The current population is 12,288 people.
The population is growing at rate of 2.1% which is average compared to other Canadian cities.
Canmore is highly educated. Approximately 69% of residents hold a university degree.
People living in Canmore have a great quality of life. Residents in Canmore have an average median family income of $85,579.
Canmore Schools
To learn more about the schools in Canmore, please click the button below.
For a relatively small mountain town, Canmore has great options when it comes to schooling for families. Pre-schoolers to Graduates will thrive in both English and French Immersion programs. Learn more about the schools in Canmore!
Canmore Recreation Facility
Canmore loves community! Check out the recreational events happening each month right here!
Canmore loves its community and rallying together for a cause! The local Canmore recreational events calendar shows how active our community is in everything from sporting. There’s always something to see, do and explore in Canmore, so keep an eye on this calendar when boredom strikes!
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Planning to sell?
If you are planning to sell your Canmore, Banff, or Bow Valley home, I will work for you every step of the way!
Contact Rebecca
104 – 709 Main Street
PO Box 8823
Canmore, AB
T1W 2B2
Office Hours:
9:00 to 17:00